This script checks if your system configuration meets the requirements
for running the SHC Mobile Backend application.
This webserver configuration satisfies all requirements.
PHP Version | PHP 5.5.0 or higher required |
PHP.INI memory_limit | PHP.ini memory_limit >= 256M |
PHP.INI max_execution_time | PHP.ini max_execution_time >= 120 |
$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] | $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] has to point to the file path of the check script. |
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] | Either $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] or $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] is required for resolving user requests. |
$_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] | Either $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] or both $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] and $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] are required
for determining URL pathinfo. |
file_uploads | The PHP runtime must be configured to allow file uploads. |
CType | CType extension is required. |
PCRE | PCRE extension is required. |
Fileinfo | Fileinfo extension is required. |
wfio extension check | wfio extension required or PHP >= 8.0.0 |
Mbstring | Mbstring extension is optional. |
Iconv | Iconv extension is optional. |
zlib | zlib extension is optional. If present, compressed HTTP data transport can be used. |
openSSL | openSSL extension is optional. If present, secure network connections (HTTPS) can be used. |
Supported Database driver check | Supported Database driver required |
SQL Server | Microsoft SQL Server extension (sqlsrv) version 3.1.0 or higher is required. |